
Hi, my name is Mrs. GB and I'm an addict.

I've been trying to ignore it, but it's impossible.
I knew this would happen.... I'm obsessed with wedding planning.

Admittedly, I was the one who adamantly did NOT want to have a wedding, being forced to have an intervention from Mr. GB and my mother about how I HAD to have one or I'd regret it... I knew why. Because if I let myself start looking, I'd never be able to let go. I can't stop myself from staring at wedding website, blogs, photographer links, beautiful designs and thinking how I could integrate that into a gorgeous wedding. Dreaming up DIY projects and thinking up themes that are different and interesting only to looking down at my left hand and thinking "dammit, I'm already married. $(#)!@#!!"

I do have a friend who is getting married next year and doesn't want to plan it, so I'm getting my planning fix vicariously through her... but after that? All my friends are married or not getting married in the near future. Where will I get my next fix? I need a wedding-dealer, I imagine some shady alley where a couple passes me an envelope of cash for me to call vendors and send them swatches.

It's been nearly 10 months since my wedding, I thought I'd be over it, discarding this obsession for a new one. I was wrong. I'm this close to divorcing Mr. GB so we can get re-engaged and I can plan another wedding. Although I imagine people wouldn't come to my second wedding, because it would be obvious I'm mentally unstable. I'm trying to keep that under wraps, you know.

What are other people doing to fulfill their obsession after their wedding?

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