
Jewelry and Accessories...

Rob and I haven't thought much about this. He's just going to wear a tie - it'll be hot, so he doesn't have to think much further than that.

But me? SHOES. I have no idea - I want to wear flats or wedges because it's outdoors and I'll sink into dirt or grass otherwise, but all the shoes I love have heels. Anyone have ideas? I don't mind wearing pink or brown shoes as I don't think ivory is easily matched anyway. I might change my sash color to match, also.

And jewelry? I have the unfortunate dilemma of having stretched my earlobes to 2gauge holes, I am/was into body modifications. Those are my only visible piercings, and so I can't wear regular earrings. I need to either find some large plugs to go into my holes or something that loops through the tunnel I currently have. It's hard to picture if you don't know anyone with piercings, so I'll try and take a photo.

I need help desperately!

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