So when we decided not to have chairs with seats for the ceremony and go for long, low benches, I needed to decide whether or not I was up to the task of sewing cushions. I could, of course, rent them, but then I'd have plain fabric, and being insane, I wanted cutesty tootsy fabric. I have an army of seamstresses as friends, but they are either also planning weddings or just as insane as I am, so I'd feel bad asking them to help me with my lame project.
In the end, I called my broken mother. I call her broken as she's recovering from injuring her achille's tendon and has been milking it for all it's worth, hobbling and moaning with a smile on her face, knowing we'll be extra nice as long as she's "suffering". She injured it jump-roping at a church picnic, which by itself is funny, but my dad's response was "I guess you don't know how much you weigh!" I love my parents. My mother and my grandmother are both fully capable seamstresses, so I drove the long trek to their house and brought my materials. Neither of them are currently really working, and my grandmother who's usual duty it is to take care of my cousins, is taking a break from it and has free time.
Should I feel bad I'm using my family as slave labor?
nah, it's only 100 pillows and it's not like whiny-mcwhinerson has anything better to do. I'm joking... mostly, at least.
fabric from shinzi katoh, heather bailey freshcut, etsuko furuya, linen tape from shinzi katoh
Besides, look at all these cute fabrics I've amassed!! I have to use them somehow. The bird fabric on the left is what I'm using for the seat cushions.
Does anyone have ideas of easy things to do with this fabric? I'm thinking of lining the picnic baskets, and if we run out of things to decorate the tables with, making runners.
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