It's a sensitive subject - but this is something that all girls have to think about before their wedding. The BC.
BC stands for two things for me, both of which are pretty much destroyers of my happiness.
1) Bloody C*nt.
(thanks to a friend, who calls it this and I thought it was fitting)Ok, so graphic and disgusting, but if we're out and I'm feeling particularly crappy, I can turn to Mr. Gummi Bear and say I'm having "the BC" then I'm not telling the world "Hey everyone!!! I'm menstruating like crazy over here!!!!!"
I get mad pms bloating. for about a week before my friend visits me, I gain about 1.5 inches all over and feel just disgusting until after it's all over. I also get happy cramps that make me cry naked on the bathroom floor. Always naked, I don't know, it just happens - my stomach cramps and my clothes all disintegrate. On top of this, I'm irregular.
2) Birth Control.
I'm the kind of person who gets every possible symptom of any medication you take - if it says you may gain weight, within 24 hours I'm retaining 50 gallons of water and feeling like my pants are going to rip. Vomiting? Hell yea! Anything that CAN go wrong, will, so I can't take any birth control. It makes me emotional, nauseous, sickly, and makes me gain 15 lbs within the first month and then 5 lbs every month after. Imagine my dismay after 6 months of being on birth control and going up 2 pants sizes in college.
Now, since I'm irregular, I'm either going to be PMSing or on my period during my wedding. I thought "ok, I can handle this" at first, but I'm realizing that if I'm 1.5 inches larger in my dress than planned, it's just not going to fit. So I had to decide - hope and pray that all my years of experience and months of going through this were wrong and I'd have a wonderful happy awesome non sickening weight gaining period... or risk getting on BC for one week and push it off.
I chose the latter. So today, I popped in a nuvaring and will be waiting for one week to try and keep the BC at bay just long enough to push it until a week or two after the wedding.
Is there anything anyone can recommend for trying to keep my body normal during this week and maybe help me flush any extra chemicals after I take it out? What do other girls do? Is there anything other than drinking a pool's worth of water that might help me get rid of some of this water retention and super-bloat?