
Lazy Cake Decorating

Not our baker, she's not lazy at all. But we didn't want to subject her to making a billion sugar flowers for one of our cakes, so we bought some online for her to just paste onto the cake later. We love her, so we figured anything we could do to make her life easier we'd just go ahead and do it ourselves. You can get flowers from a few places, just individually or as cake kits. We bought ours from Gail Watson Cake but Wendy Kromer has a lot of other really cute options if you're looking!

They came in the mail in a not-so-secure feeling box wrapped in bubble wrap. Not individually, just kinda stuffed in there. So a bunch flew across the table when we first opened the box. They didn't break, though, so they're mildly durable, although certainly not Miss GB-level-clumsy proof, so we put them away quickly.

Note the Halo 3 box put in the photo oh-so cleverly as a hint that Mr. GB wants gamer tags so he can get his ass whooped. He's terrible at FPS.

ps - they smell better than they taste. I just ate one and it has a slightly yucky aftertaste.... like.. pee. Not that I drink pee, but you know, if I were to, this is the aftertaste I would imagine.

pps - Mr. GB likes them, so I am convinced he must like the taste of urine. If I find a suspicious empty glass in the bathroom, I'll let you know.

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