They came in the mail in a not-so-secure feeling box wrapped in bubble wrap. Not individually, just kinda stuffed in there. So a bunch flew across the table when we first opened the box. They didn't break, though, so they're mildly durable, although certainly not Miss GB-level-clumsy proof, so we put them away quickly.
Note the Halo 3 box put in the photo oh-so cleverly as a hint that Mr. GB wants gamer tags so he can get his ass whooped. He's terrible at FPS.
ps - they smell better than they taste. I just ate one and it has a slightly yucky aftertaste.... like.. pee. Not that I drink pee, but you know, if I were to, this is the aftertaste I would imagine.
pps - Mr. GB likes them, so I am convinced he must like the taste of urine. If I find a suspicious empty glass in the bathroom, I'll let you know.
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